Hospitality Statistics: National Occupancy rates for Namibia October 2022

The National occupancy rate for October 2022 increased to 55.3%  from 52.9% recorded for September 2022. (See figure 1 below). According to the Hospitality Association of Namibia, this is a 60% increase when compared to 2021, and compared to the 69,8% occupancy experienced in October 2019,  i.e. pre-pandemic, national occupancy is about 80% back to normal performance before the Covid-19 pandemic.

The European market continues to be Namibia’s top tourism market,  representing about 65% of all guests,  from Scandinavia in the North to Spain in the South of Europe.  In 2019,   Europe represented some 60% of all occupants.

The outlook for the sector is positive due to positive sentiments reflected in international arrivals and the continuous high demand for accommodation services.

Figure 1: National Occupancy rates vs. HKIA arrivals, Namibia (October 2021- October 2022)


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