Hospitality Statistics: National Occupancy rates for Namibia July 2022

The National occupancy rates increased to 51% for July 2022. This reflects an improvement from 32.1% that was recorded in June 2022 see figure 1 below. According to the Hospitality Association of Namibia, the majority of guests that took up most of the accommodation establishments were from Central Europe, followed by guests originating from German-speaking countries of Germany, and the least number of guests were from the USA accounting for 57%, 31.3%, and 4.29% respectively. 

Positive occupancy rates and a growth in tourist arrivals from 23, 338 for June 2022 to 34, 943 recorded in July 2022. This reflects that the recovery of the tourism sector is on the right track. The positive outlook is further augmented by the growth reflected by a rebound in the hotels and restaurants sector by 4.4% during the second quarter of 2022.  We expect the tourism sector to maintain a strong growth momentum for the rest of the year. This is reflected by the positive trends in international arrivals and the upturn in demand for accommodation services.

Figure 1: National Occupancy rates vs. HKIA arrivals, Namibia (July 2021- July 2022)


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