Hospitality Statistics

National Occupancy Rates for Namibia, April 2024

According to the latest data released by the Hospitality Association of Namibia, and reports, European markets continue to dominate Namibia’s tourism industry, with a significant increase in visitors from other European countries as well. (See Figure 2). This trend aligns with the sustained popularity of Namibia as a tourist destination, driven by factors such as its scenic beauty, diverse wildlife, and unique cultural experiences. The coastal region and the central region of Namibia have recorded the highest occupancy rates for April 2024, indicating their appeal to tourists.

In April 2024, the national occupancy rate in Namibia increased to 58.19% from 49.24% recorded in March 2024, representing a notable increase of 8.95%. (See Figure 1). The central region recorded the highest occupancy rate of 66.77%, followed by the coastal region with 62.95%. These figures highlight the attractiveness of these regions to visitors.

Furthermore, the northern region of Namibia recorded the highest occupancy rate for leisure activities at 97.02%, indicating its popularity among tourists seeking leisure experiences. The southern region followed closely with a leisure occupancy rate of 92.1%. In terms of business occupancy rates, the southern region recorded the highest rate at 7.9%, while the northern region had the lowest occupancy rate of 2.79%. The coastal region recorded a leisure occupancy rate of 90.96% and a business occupancy rate of 9.04%. On a national scale, the overall distribution of occupancy rates was 86.38% for leisure, 13.26% for business, and 0.35% for conferences.

Figure 1: National Occupancy Rates, Namibia (April 2023- April 2024)

Source: H.A.N & HEI Research

Figure 2:  Number of national occupants by citizenship

Source: H.A.N & HEI Research


We anticipate the positive trend for the occupancy to continue in the short to medium term. This could be influenced by Namibia Wildlife Resorts (NWR) recent announcement on the reopening of the Bo Plaas campsite along the Orange River which could attract more tourists,  coupled with Namibia preparing to host major events including the Inaugural Global African Hydrogen Summit in the coming months influencing the conference and the business segments.

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