Category: Tourism

Hosea Kutako International Airport Arrivals Year on Year % (December 2019-December 2020)

Report by Monika Kristof

The Hosea Kutako International Airport arrivals declined from (-12.70%) to a depressing (-89.63%) year on year. The actual number of arrivals dropped from 34,058 recorded for December 2019 to 9,445 recorded for December 2020.The decline was due to unprecedented global travel disruptions because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Travel retail is among the most affected sectors with a massive fall in international demand due to global travel restrictions. There still remains a significant number of boarders that are fully closed in an effort to contain the virus. Figure 1 indicates the actual number of arrivals and figure 2 indicates the year-on-year percentage growth of arrivals through the Hosea Kutako International Airport.

Figure 1: Hosea Kutako International Airport Arrivals (Dec-2019-Dec-2020)

Source: NAC

Figure 2: Hosea Kutako International Airport Arrivals Year on Year % Growth (Dec-2019-Dec 2020)

Source: NAC

HKIA Arrivals YoY % August 2020

The Hosea Kutako International Airport arrivals declined from (-9.03%) to (-98.5%) year on year, August 2020. In actual numbers arrivals dropped to 1109 from 45585 that was recorded for August 2019. The decline was attributed to the lockdown measures to curb the spread of Covid 19. The figure below indicates the year on year negative growth of Arrivals through the Hosea Kutako International Airport.

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