Category: Construction

Building Plans Approved Report, Windhoek: January 2024

Executive summary

  • In January 2024, the City of Windhoek approved a total of 76 building plans, valued at a combined N$ 53,825,780 (as illustrated in Figure 1)
  • These approvals included 50 addition plans, 19 house plans, 4 wall plans, and 3 commercial plans
  • Compared to December 2023 (as depicted in Figure 2), the total number of approved building plans experienced a decline of 27%
  • During the review month, 31 buildings were completed in Windhoek, with a total value of N$ 47,366,391
  • The overall number of completed buildings displayed an increase of 35% compared to those completed in December 2023


  • The annual sum of approved building plans for Windhoek continues to exhibit a downward trend, measuring 11.6%.
  • The highest concentration of approved building plans for the month was observed within the Windhoek suburbs, totaling 17 plans. This compilation comprised 12 addition plans, 4 house plans, and 1 commercial plan with a cumulative value of N$ 12,883,000.
  • Khomasdal emerged as the second-highest locality in terms of approved building plans with a total of 9 plans valued at N$ 2,440,000, followed by Goreangab with a total of 8 plans valued at N$ 1,413,000.

Figure 1: Monthly Building Plans Approved Vs. Buildings Completed, Windhoek (January 2023 – January 2024)


Figure 2: Building Plans Approved Monthly % Growth Rates, Windhoek (January 2023 - January 2024)



  • Building plans are used as a proxy to measure construction activities in the country
  • The construction sector has been contracting every year since 2016 when major construction projects in the mining sector came to an end and the Government commenced with fiscal consolidation

We anticipate modest growth in the short to medium term as construction activities linked to oil mining and green hydrogen projects gain momentum

Building Plans Approved Report, Windhoek: December 2023

Executive summary

  • In December 2023, the City of Windhoek approved a total of 105 building plans, valued at a combined N$ 81,224,074 (as illustrated in Figure 1)
  • These approvals included 75 addition plans, 16 house plans, 10 wall plans, 3 commercial plans, and 1 pool plan
  • Compared to November 2023 (as depicted in Figure 2), the total number of approved building plans experienced a decline of 30%
  • During the review month, 23 buildings were completed in Windhoek, with a total value of N$ 48,594,530
  • The overall number of completed buildings exhibited a decline of 39% compared to those completed in November 2023


  • The annual sum of approved building plans for Windhoek continues to undergo a decline, measuring 13.2%
  • The highest concentration of approved building plans for the month was observed within the Windhoek suburbs, totaling 20 plans. This compilation comprised 12 addition plans, 4 house plans, 1 wall plan, and 3 commercial plans with a cumulative value of N$ 14,500,080
  • Khomasdal emerged as the second-highest locality in terms of approved building plans with a total of 12 plans valued at N$ 11,165,000.

Figure 1: Monthly Building Plans Approved Vs. Buildings Completed, Windhoek (December 2022 – December 2023)


Figure 2: Building Plans Approved Monthly % Growth Rates, Windhoek (December 2022 - December 2023)



  • The decline in the overall number of approved building plans for 2023, with only 2019 plans approved compared to the previous year's 2683 approvals in 2022, suggests a notable shift or slowdown in construction activities. Nonetheless, we anticipate the industry to show improvement in 2024, driven by heightened construction operations linked to both oil mining and the expansion of green hydrogen initiatives.

Building Plans Approved Report, Windhoek: November 2023

Executive summary

  • In November 2023, the City of Windhoek approved a total of 150 building plans, valued at a combined N$ 79,954,026 (as illustrated in Figure 1)
  • These approvals included 118 addition plans, 20 house plans, 9 wall plans, and 3 commercial plans
  • Compared to October 2023 (as depicted in Figure 2), the total number of approved building plans experienced a decrease of 23.9%
  • During the review month, 38 buildings were completed in Windhoek, with a total value of N$ 58,039,812
  • The overall number of completed buildings exhibited a decrease of 32% compared to those completed in October 2023


  • The annual sum of approved building plans for Windhoek continues to undergo a decline, measuring 26.4%
  • The highest concentration of approved building plans for the month was observed within the Windhoek suburbs, totaling 30 plans. This compilation comprised 22 addition plans, 5 house plans, 1 wall plan, and 2 commercial plans with a cumulative value of N$ 20,175,500

Figure 1: Monthly Building Plans Approved Vs. Buildings Completed, Windhoek (November 2022 – November 2023)


Figure 2: Building Plans Approved Monthly % Growth Rates, Windhoek (November 2022 - November 2023)



The overall number of approved building plans witnessed a 23.9% decrease from October to November 2023 and a 26.4% decline in the annual sum. The completion rate also exhibited a decrease of 32% compared to the previous month, indicating a potential slowdown in construction activities.

Building Plans Approved Report, Windhoek: October 2023

Executive summary

  • In October 2023, the City of Windhoek approved a total of 197 building plans, valued at a combined N$303,496,000 (as illustrated in Figure 1).
  • These approvals included 152 addition plans, 22 house plans, 17 wall plans, 5 commercial plans, and 1 pool plan.
  • Compared to September 2023 (as depicted in Figure 2), the total number of approved building plans experienced an increase of 12.6%.
  • During the review month, 56 buildings were completed in Windhoek, with a total value of N$43,514,283.
  • The overall number of completed buildings exhibited an increase of 14.3% compared to those completed in September 2023.


  • The annual sum of approved building plans for Windhoek continues to undergo a significant decline, recording 29.6%.
  • The highest concentration of approved building plans for the month was observed within the Windhoek suburbs, totaling 50 plans. This compilation comprised 42 addition plans, 4 house plans, 3 wall plans, and 1 pool plan culminating in a cumulative value of N$ 26,198,500.
  • Khomasdal emerged as the second-highest locality in terms of approved building plans, boasting a total of 17 plans valued at N$ 2,679,000.
  • Pionierspark and Otjomuise secured the third-highest position, both boasting a total of 13 plans. Pionierspark’s plans were valued at N$ 6,187,000, while Otjomuise’s plans held a value of N$ 3,346,000.


  • Windhoek's construction sector is positioned for consistent and gradual growth, even in the face of recent fluctuations in approved building plans and completed constructions. This transitional period offers a window for implementing adaptive strategies to ensure resilience and flexibility in the city's developmental landscape. We predict that the construction sector will experience a decline in November 2023, followed by a further decrease in December as construction activities wind down during the festive season.

Figure 1: Monthly Building Plans Approved Vs. Buildings Completed, Windhoek (October 2022 – October 2023)


Figure 2: Building Plans Approved Monthly % Growth Rates, Windhoek (October 2022 - October 2023)


Building Plans Approved Report, Windhoek: September 2023

Executive summary

  • In September 2023, the City of Windhoek approved a total of 175 building plans, amounting to a combined valuation of N$ 400,710,888 (as illustrated in Figure 1).
  • These approvals encompassed 118 addition plans, 35 house plans, 15 wall plans, and 7 commercial plans.
  • Compared to August 2023 (as depicted in Figure 2), the total number of approved building plans experienced a decrease of 13.8%.
  • During the review month, 49 buildings were completed in Windhoek, with a total value of N$ 75,685,748.
  • The overall number of completed buildings exhibited a decrease of 34.6% compared to those completed in August 2023.


  • The annual sum of approved building plans for Windhoek continues to undergo a significant decline, measuring at 33.7%.
  • The highest concentration of approved building plans for the month was observed within the Windhoek suburbs, totaling 46 plans. This compilation comprised 24 addition plans, 16 house plans, 3 commercial plans, and 3 wall plans, culminating in a cumulative value of N$ 328,451,970.
  • Khomasdal and Katutura emerged as the second-highest localities in terms of approved building plans, both boasting a total of 17 plans. Khomasdal’s plans were valued at N$ 8,377,500, while Katutura’s plans held a value of N$ 7,121,000.


  • adjustments, ensuring a resilient and adaptable landscape for future development.

Figure 1: Monthly Building Plans Approved Vs. Buildings Completed, Windhoek (September 2022 – September 2023)


Figure 2: Building Plans Approved Monthly % Growth Rates, Windhoek (September 2022 - September 2023)


Building Plans Approved Report, Windhoek: August 2023

Executive summary

  • In August 2023, the City of Windhoek approved a total of 203 building plans, with a combined valuation of N$ 68,651,804 (as illustrated in Figure 1).
  • Among these approvals, there were 151 addition plans, 26 house plans, 20 wall plans, 4 commercial plans, and 2 pool plans.
  • Compared to July 2023 (as depicted in Figure 2), the total number of approved building plans experienced a significant downturn of 2.9%. This indicates a negative trend in construction activity within the city.
  • During the review month, 75 buildings were completed in Windhoek, with an aggregated value of N$ 120,481,328.
  • The overall number of completed buildings exhibited a remarkable improvement of 56% when contrasted with those completed in July 2023.


  • The annual sum of approved building plans for Windhoek experienced a notable decline of 16.8%. This reduction may likely be attributed to a continued decrease in significant construction projects within the economy.
  • The highest concentration of approved building plans for the month was observed within the Windhoek suburbs, totaling 46 plans. This compilation comprised 36 addition plans, 5 house plans, 1 commercial plan, 3 wall plans, and 1 pool plan with a cumulative value of N$ 20,612,750.
  • Khomasdal emerged as the second-highest locality in terms of approved building plans, boasting a total of 26 plans valued at N$ 9,076,000.
  • Additionally, Klein Windhoek secured the third-highest position with 18 approved building plans, collectively valued at N$ 6,394,821.


  • We anticipate that construction activities in Windhoek will maintain steady growth in the short to medium term. Despite recent fluctuations, a consistent upward trajectory is anticipated. Continued focus on urban development and ongoing projects suggests a resilient construction sector in the coming months.

Figure 1: Monthly Building Plans Approved Vs. Buildings Completed, Windhoek (August 2022 – August 2023)


Figure 2: Building Plans Approved Monthly % Growth Rates, Windhoek (August 2022 - August 2023)


Building Plans Approved Report, Windhoek: July 2023

Executive summary

  • In July 2023, the City of Windhoek approved a grand total of 209 building plans, with a combined valuation of N$ 130,580,707 (as illustrated in Figure 1)
  • Among these approvals, there were 144 addition plans, 46 house plans, 15 wall plans, and 4 commercial plans
  • Compared to the preceding month of June 2023 (as depicted in Figure 2), the count of approved building plans experienced a notable upturn of 3.5%. This signifies a positive trend in construction activity within the city.
  • During the month under review, a noteworthy total of 48 buildings were successfully completed in Windhoek, with an aggregated value of N$ 51,335,624. This completion encompassed a range of construction types
  • It's important to note, however, that the overall number of completed buildings did exhibit a slight decline of 2% when contrasted with those completed in June 2023. This minor reduction suggests a nuanced fluctuation in construction completion rates within the city


  • On an annual basis building plans approved for Windhoek experienced a notable decline of 33%. This reduction may likely be attributed to a decrease in significant construction projects within the economy
  • For the month under review, the highest concentration of approved building plans was observed within the Windhoek suburbs, totaling 42 plans. This compilation comprised 29 addition plans, 7 house plans, 2 commercial plans, and 4 wall plans, with a cumulative value of N$ 42,528,711
  • Katutura emerged as the second-highest locality in terms of approved building plans, boasting a total of 21 plans valued at N$ 7,231,700
  • Additionally, Klein Windhoek secured the third-highest position with 18 approved building plans, collectively valued at N$ 10,610,000. This data underscores the distribution of approved building plans across different areas within Windhoek

Figure 1: Monthly Building Plans Approved Vs. Buildings Completed, Windhoek (July 2022 – July 2023)


                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Figure 2: Building Plans Approved Monthly % Growth Rates, Windhoek (July 2022 - July 2023)



We anticipate that construction activities will continue to experience modest growth in the short to medium term.

Building Plans Approved Report, Windhoek: May 2023

Executive summary

  • The City of Windhoek approved a total of 176 building plans valued at N$ 97,971,355 in May 2023. See figure 1
  • Out of 176 building plans approved, 128 were additions plans, 30 were house plans, 12 were wall plans, 5 were commercial plans, and 1 pool plan
  • The number of approved building plans increased by 22% when compared to those approved in April 2023. See Figure 2
  • During the month under review, a total number of 37 buildings were completed for Windhoek at the value of N$ 82,895,186
  • Total buildings completed declined by 31% when compared to the buildings completed in April 2023


  • On an annual basis, the number of building plans approved for Windhoek increased by 15%. This could be ascribed to slower construction works
  • For the month under review, the highest number of building plans approved were from Windhoek suburbs with a total of 33 plans (19 addition plans, 8 house plans, 4 commercial plans, and 2 wall plans) valued at N$ 25,695,525
  • Khomasdal had the second-highest number of building plans approved with a total of 23 plans valued at N$ 7,107,000
  • Klein Windhoek had the third-highest number of building plans approved with a total of 14 plans valued at N$ 6,750,000

Figure 1: Monthly Building Plans Approved Vs. Buildings Completed, Windhoek (May 2022 – May 2023)


                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Figure 2: Building Plans Approved Monthly % Growth Rates, Windhoek (May 2022 - May 2023)



We anticipate construction activities to maintain modest growth in the short to medium.

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