Building Plans Approved Report, Windhoek: June 2021

By Monika Kristof

Executive summary

  • The City of Windhoek approved a total of 128 building plans for June 2021 , down  from 193  building plans  approved in May 2021. See figure 1
  • The decline in the number of building plans approved for June 2021 was mainly driven by additions and house plans.
  • Addition plans declined to   65 from 105 that was recorded for May 2021
  • House plans declined to 51 from 78 plans that were recorded for May 2021.
  • On a cumulative basis the City of Windhoek approved  a total of 65 addition plans, 51 house plans, 8 wall plans , 3 commercial plans  and 1 pool plan, valued at N$  129 171 723 for June 2021


  • On an annual basis the number of building plans approved for Windhoek experienced a robust  growth from (-19.70%) to ( 44.46%), this was due to an increase in addition and house plans. See figure 2
  • The highest number of building plans approved for June  2021, were from Windhoek and  Khomasdal  suburb, recording 24 plans each at the value of N$  46 218 350
  • Otjomuise, recorded the second highest number of building plans approved for June  2021, with a total of 11 plans (5 addition plans, 6 house plans), valued at N$  9,632,281


  • We project  ,the approval of building plans, which is a leading indicator of Windhoek’s construction sector, to  remain under pressure for July 2021 , due to delays in several public and  private sector projects owing to uncertainty around the COVID-19 pandemic that resulted in raw materials shortages due to supply chain disruptions
  • Similarly, weak private sector investment in construction activities due to low credit appetite as a result of  the uncertainty around future income will likely persist until the economy shows prospects of recovery

Figure1: Monthly Building Plans Approved, Windhoek

Source: COW

Figure 2: Building Plans Approved Annual growth rates, Windhoek


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