Building Plans Approved for Windhoek.

Report by Monika Kristof

Executive summary

  • City of Windhoek approved 254 building plans for September 2020. The plans increased from 252 plans approved for August 2020. See Figure 1.
  • During the month of September 2020, the city of Windhoek approved 148 additions plans ,85 house plans ,1 pool and 19 walls plans.
  • The value of buildings plans approved in Windhoek amounted to N$ 13,402,836 for September 2020.
  • The increase in the number of building plans approved for September 2020 was influenced mainly by Additions and House Plans.
  • Windhoek recorded a total of 1 722 approved plans as from 1 January 2020 to 30 September 2020 valued at N$ 1,235,169,636.


  • The building plans approved experienced growth from (-17.81%) to 29.04% on an annual basis.
  • Otjomuise had the highest number of approved plans for September 2020, recording a total of 39 plans (27 house and 12 additions plans) valued at N$ 16,243,359.
  • Khomasdal recorded the second highest number of plans, with 31 plans (22 additions,4 house and 5 wall plans), valued at N$ 9,702,950.
  • Brackwater recorded no approved building plans by the City of Windhoek for the month of September 2020.


  • Windhoek’s construction industry faces strong headwinds as consumer and business confidence has waned due to the covid-19 induced lockdowns. However, it is evident that a positive trend is emerging due to the low base effect.

Figure1: Monthly Building Plans Approved, Windhoek

Source: COW

Figure 2: Buildings approved plans Annual growth rates

Source: COW & HEI
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