Weekly COVID-19 situation report, Namibia (07-13 July 2021)

Namibia  recorded a total of 8932 Covid-19 cases in the past 7 days. Erongo region reported the highest number of Covid-19 cases during the week under review ,reporting a total of 1423 cases,  followed by Khomas region with 1307 cases in 7 days. Kavango West reported the least number of cases ,reporting 98 cases in 7 days. See figure 2 below.

The number of Covid-19 cases reported  declined by 9% when compared to the previous week. On average a total of 1276 Covid-19 cases were reported per day for the past 7 days. Additionally, a total of 456 Covid-19 deaths were reported in the past 7 days, which translates to 114 deaths reported on average per day. Covid-19 deaths reported increased significantly by 48% when compared to the previous week. During the past 7 days 5149 people recovered from Covid-19 with the recovery rate of 1287 people on average per day, which is 35 %  lower than the  recovery rate for the previous week. See figure 1  below

Figure 1 : COVID-19 SITUATION  FOR NAMIBIA FOR THE PAST 7 DAYS(7 July 2021-13 July 2021)

Source: Ministry of Health and Social Services

Figure 2: Weekly Covid-19 cases per region(7 July 2021-13 July 2021)

Source: Ministry of Health and Social Services
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